Katrina/Rita - Gulf Coast; Hurricane for Massachusetts Volunteers

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Fundraisers and Requests for Help

Update; 9/26/05  I have been following up on some of the fundraisers posted below.  Here is one although it is abit disappointing;  from Kit; Yes it is still and place, and I have ZERO activity!  The company has created a stamp set called "A Hopeful Thought", which costs $5.95, and 100% of that money goes to hurricane relief.  Additionally, I am offering to gift this set to anyone who makes a $40 purchase through me directly, not through my website.Those are the three ways in which a person can donate through my business. Kit  www.justaddphotos.net  kitswan@charter.net
  Ed Note:  explained that not all fundraisers go according to expectations but to take heart as offering to provide for fundraiser is a great humanitarian step.
AND ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT on this one:  Yes, two more days left.  The trailer is at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Chicopee, MA and we are very much in need of foodstuffs. Thanks!  Mary msimmons@MassMutual.com

9/20/05 Hi Folks~ We have been contacted by a young woman who has decided to move here from New Orleans. She has lost everything in her apartment~ she escaped with a small overnight bag and her kitty,"Shadow". A 2002 graduate of Loyola COllege , majoring in Communications and Public
Relations, she had been working for The March of Dimes for the past year. The Boston Chapter is presently looking to see if they can find a position for her but it is still an unknown at this time. Does anyone know of any potential jobs in this field. She will have her wn transportation and if nothing in this field...she is interested and
willing to do pretty much anything...As she said, I just want to recliam my life". A courageous young woman to travel all this way to get some peace and then ...rebuild her life. I know she will be needing a computer, clothing size 12 before the hurricane..more like a 10 now...winter coat,boots etc...If you have anything please let me
know. Thanks, Lois in MIllis

9/18/05Hi folks!  I am writing to ask for help for a Hurricane Katrina evacuee who has been staying with my husband and me in Quincy since last Tuesday.His name is Patrick. He is twenty-three years old. He is from New Orleans where he attended the University of New Orleans studying Environmental Sciences. He is currently attending classes at UMass-Boston. Patrick arrived here with only a small suitcase of clothes. He registered with FEMA and the Red Cross yesterday, as well as several other relief agencies, but it appears to be a slower process than we had hoped. Assistance will not be provided him for at least two weeks. At UNO Patrick was employed on campus through work study grants, but the FAFSA paperwork is also slow to process. (UMass did provide him with all his textbooks.)

In the meantime here are some things that would help him out immensely:
MBTA transit pass(he's traveling by bus and train to school each day)
fall / winter clothes (he's tall - wears an XL) furniture (dresser + desk)used or new laptop or desktop computer (a wireless card would help)gift cards for buying clothes / toiletries If there is anything else you can think of that might ease his situation, please let us know. We are trying to get him the most help possible, in the most direct way. If you have any suggestions, it would be appreciated. He is a most deserving young man! Thanks!  Janet & Joe Bargar  colcloughkids@yahoo.com   Quincy, MA
9/22/05 Update
Hi everyone, First of all many thanks for wonderful responses we received regarding Patrick. We received five enthusiatic responses with offers of clothes, furniture, housing, and some excellent networking advice. This may not be as large a response as expected, but it has made a difference, possibly a huge difference in Patrick experience here. We are very thankful! If this is a marathon we need to stay the course and not get frustrated. Thanks again, Janet

9/9/05 - Deb is hosting a relocated student that is going to BU and is in need of clothing and supplies.  See the success story page for more information and how to contact Deb.
addendum from Deb;  We are trying to see if BU has support resources but in the meantime if you would like to offer a contribution (while this is being investigated) please email Deb directly at graciechar@gmail.com
I did get the list of books he needs:
Julius Caesar - ISBN 1903436214
Cicero on Oratory and orators - ISBN 080931293X
Ancient Rhetoric - ISBN 0321172760
Beyond Good & Evil - ISBN 0679724656
Psychology - ISBN 0131926845
Calculus: Concepts & Contexts w/ 2 CDs - Author: Stewart
   9/14/05 - Dennis Update:  Had excellent response from the Deans and Office of the BU President.  Both supplied school contacts for both support and potentially closer housing.  Have forwarded them onto Deb.. 

9/8/05 from Kit Swan:  Just as the kids come around selling candy to raise funds for their schools, I am selling scrapbooking and stamping supplies to raise funds for hurricanerelief.  How does the program work?  Just visit my website
www.justaddphotos.net, and click "Shop On Line". Beginning today through the end of September, I will donate 22% of each on-line sale (my commission) to the Hurricane Relief Effort.  If you beleive the $7.95 minimum shipping is too high, and you are local, please email me a list of items that you are interested in purchasing, and I will total them up and combine them with others from Massachusetts.   Each local purchaser will pay a dramatically reduced S&H, the final amount to be calculated once all the "pick up" orders are placed.

Thanks for your support!  If you have questions email Kit at ->  kitswan@charter.net

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9/8/05 - Hi, I'm working directly with three shelters in Baton Rouge.  These shelters have requested supplies and I'm doing my best to get them down there to them.  They have a local team ready and waiting to recieve and distribute the aid and all resources have been verified for legitimacy.

I've located a truck will to transport, and I'm just starting to organize a donations drive.  I'd love some help for people in the area.  I'm in Hampshire and Hampden counties.  Currently, the Springfield Red Cross is sending all calls offering donations over to me, so I have got to set up some drop off locations quick.  I'm enclosing the supplies being sent, the shelters receiving them.  and We have a drop off in Springfield and Longmeadow.  I'm working on one in Chicopee and South Hadley.  I just need volunteers now.   Mary Simmons; msimmons@MassMutual.com  or my number that I can be contacted at.  413-237-9947

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